Suape Compound diversifies petrochemical production

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Holding currently on over 105 companies in operation – which move about R$50billion investments and create 25 thousand direct jobs – the Suape Industrial Port Compound is one of the main pools of attraction for investments in the State of Pernambuco. Its facilities are divided between the municipalities of Ipojuca and Cabo de Santo Agostinho, which benefit significantly from the money generated by the entrepreneurial nucleus developed in the region, next to Port of Suape.


Located in the metropolitan region of Recife, just 40km far from the capital city, the industrial compound has attracted a large variety of production segments, with highlight for chemicals, metal-mechanical and naval plants and  logistics companies.


At tandyglete at the end of htis s expected to bare centers in the municipality, which will be set up at all districts in Ipojuca. he Suape port’s area the main projects are related to the areas of infrastructure and mobility. Construction work of road accesses to Atlantico Sul and Vard Promar shipyards are on the verge of completion. There R$110 million gave been invested. There is also a terminal for sugar loading, to be delivered in 2015 for a cost of R$120 million; and a new public yard for vehicles to be ready in 2014, with R$22 million investments.


Among the big projects to be implemented there is the Cocaia In-Bulk Solids Terminal, worth R$1.5 billion; the construction of a new containers terminal, R$837 million; and the wheat terminal, which will demand R$148 million investments. All those construction works depend on an invitation to bid to be made by the Department of Ports of the Presidency of the Republic.



In the entrepreneurial area, we have to highlight the installation of Petrobras’ Abreu e Lima refinery. After a considerable controversy caused by a huge mismatch between the initial price of the project (US$ 2.5 billion) and its actual price (US$18.5 billion), according to that state company, the plant is expected to start operations still this year.


In the phase of completion of its initial projects, Suape Petrochemical has already started operations at its production plant of purified terephtalic acid (PTA). Still in phase of completion the manufacturing units of polyethylene terephtalate (PET) and polyester partially oriented yearn (POY). Scheduled to be completed this year, both plants have been included in a R$8.3 billion budget.  


Another project to be implemented in that region is Suape Still Mill Company. With a production capacity of 1 million t/year of steel processing and flat iron lamination, the still mill will require a R$1.8 billion investment. In the services area, the Suape Administrative Center will receive this year a new building to shelter its headquarters. The facilities, to be completed by 2017, will be composed of ten corporate buildings, a hotel with 248 rooms and a convention center with 300 seats, in addition to an open mall with up to 38 booths offering different services. The undertaking has been estimated at R$500 million.


The Suape Compound will shelter the construction of the first plant of wind-powered flanges (fixing structures used in generators). The company Iraeta has already started to build the unit with total investments of R$70 million.


Finally, it will soon shelter, depending on the market situation, a gas thermoelectric plant estimated at R$3.5 billion.


It is worth highlighting that in its relationship with its suppliers and service providers, Suape has prioritized companies based in Pernambuco. “Suape administration makes constant articulations so that companies based in Pernambuco provide their services and products to the undertakings set up at the industrial port compound”, states Caio Ramos, Suape Compound VP.


Costa de Santo Agostinho

The municipality of Costa de Santo Agostinho has been benefiting from large real-estate developments, particularly residential and commercial ones. Among the highlights is


Reserva do Paiva, whose construction started in 2007 and today has 15% of the work done. It is a planned district including residential and corporate buildings, hotels, shopping malls, a golf course and a marina.



Another planned district undergoing initial implementation is Cidade Convida, which shelters residential and corporate buildings. Engenho Caramuru will have its construction started in 2015 and it will have a residential and corporate set of buildings.


Cone Suape planned district will be composed of a set of buildings sheltering logistics, services and industrial companies. Set up in a 1 million m2 area, 20% of the construction work is already complete. Another set of buildings with those characteristics is called Armazenna, installed at a 175 thousand m2 area, whose construction work is already 15% complete.  


In the hotel area, Shopping Costa Dourada will also shelter a hotel with 296 rooms. Construction work is 50% ready. According to Marcos Germano, secretary of Planning and the Environment of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, “there are also other undertakings being built and increased in the municipality, such as Hospital Hope, Altino Ventura, Samaritano and São Sebastião”.




The project to be highlighted in the municipality of Ipojuca is the construction of a future airport. It is still undergoing feasibility studies once a group of entrepreneurs have shown interest in setting up an airport pool where charter flights could land and take off in the district of Serrambi.


The prefecture of Ipojuca is remodeling the Jose Mario de Santana square in order to transform it into the “Academy of the People”. The project, dedicated to the elderly, will include new cultural, leisure, sports, health and safety equipment. The project is expected to be complete in October.


After waterproofing the sanitary dump of the municipality, the prefecture is completing the paving of a 6 km long stretch of the road to access the site where solid residues will be dumped.


In the area of education, the administration is building six new day-care centers in the municipality, which will be set up at all districts in Ipojuca. In the healthcare area, Ipojuca is building a new Ready-Assistance Unit, which is expected to be complete at the end of this year.

Fonte: Revista O Empreiteiro

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